From Scientific American: How Hospital Gardens Help Patients Heal 🌱

100% organic beautiful Jade Pothos cuttings to help relieve stress and purify the air. Deep green leaves during all seasons. Can be grown outdoors or indoors as a houseplant!


Rooting Difficulty: Easy

A NASA study showed that Jade Pothos is one of the best plants for removing toxic air pollution! No pesticides ever. Naturally grown with sunshine in Northern California USA. Guaranteed 2 vines with average length 4in. Build your own living wall! Help clean the local air!

Planting instructions:

First cut the bottoms and put them in water indoors by a sunny window. Then go buy rooting powder and potting soil. After a few weeks or when you see little roots starting, dip the cuttings in rooting powder and plant them in the potting soil. NEEDS ROOTING POWDER AND DAILY WATERING TO GROW! Place the pot indoors by the sunny window. Water regularly to keep the soil moist. For even better results, put a glass jar over them. After a few months, transplant outside!

From The New York Times: How to Become a Plant Parent

Green packaging: 100% biodegradable bags and 100% recycled ♻️ paper envelopes made in the USA 🇺🇸!

Check out all organic cuttings: English Ivy, Variegated Ivy, Asterisk Ivy, Pink Roses, Yellow Roses, Star Jasmine, Lavender, Scarlet Trumpet Vine, Violet Trumpet Vine, Pink Jasmine Polyanthum, California Lilac, Blue Eyed Grass, and Heartleaf Philodendron!

Also check out: Organic Air Dried California Lavender!