• An effective oral capsule to provide protection against the suns harmful UV rays
  • Effective within half an hour of the first dose
  • Increases the skins tolerance to the sun
  • Reduces the ageing effects of the sun
  • Contains Vitamin D so ideal for those with low vitamin D levels

Heliocare Ultra-D Capsules are an effective oral capsule to provide protection against the suns harmful UV rays suitable for all skin types. Heliocare Ultra-D have a high concentration of Fernblock so they are ideal as a daily supplement during periods of medium and high risk. It is the most complete formulation with 5µg of Vitamin D, making it ideal for people with a concern regarding Vitamin D levels. Heliocare sun protection oral supplements are effective from the first dose so provide immediate and safe protection. You can buy Heliocare  Ultra-D Oral Supplement online from The Cosmetic Practice.

Take one capsule in the morning. Repeat the dose 4-6 hours later in times of high sun exposure.


Fernblock : 480mg: Photo protective and antioxidant activity, protection of cellular DNA and immunological function. Positive effect skin architecture.

Vitamin D, 5µ g: General health benefits.

Vitamins C & E: Enhances the broad-spectrum antioxidant activity.

Lutein: Provides ocular photo protection.

Licopene: Provides protection against erythema.