Kenneth Strickfaden was a one-in-a-million man, creating electronic gadgets and machines by the hundreds, photographing early California, drawing constantly - designs, maps, cartoon figures; a geologist with a rock collection of over 500 specimens from his rock hunting/picking/polishing days all over California; who led a rich life worth reading about.  He knew a bit about everything.  This book describes his entire life from early childhood days in Ashland, Oregon hunting rabbits in the hills, to his later years living in Santa Monica, California where he created all of the laboratory equipment used in most, if not all, of the Frankenstein movies in the past 90 years.  After fighting in WWI France, he traveled the United States, driving from town to town with his "electric show", Science on Parade, then, Kenstric Space Age Science Show, wowing students and teachers alike in schools, colleges and universities in the U.S.  During one of Strick's shows, Strickfaden so impressed one instructor, Mr. Harry Goldman, at a school where Goldman was teaching, that Goldman would write this book about "Strick" many years later. Strickfaden had a tremendous amount of energy up until his death in 1984, and he just loved sitting in his Santa Monica garage/shop, where he would bring his ideas to life.  Ken Strickfaden participated in over 100 movies and over 66 television shows.  The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood, honored Strick with a tribute, The Magic of Machines of Ken Strickfaden in 1981.  He was a true showman, a prolific creator, a man with a wonderful sense of humor, quick to smile, as he puttered about in his blue coveralls, always "at the ready" with a pair of pliers in his pocket.  One finds great enjoyment reading about the life and times of the great Kenneth Strickfaden.   ~ ~ Thank you for visiting. ~ ~ Note: may be signed by Strick's granddaughter; leave message and any personalization desired.