...Men's/Unisex Gemstones Beaded MALA NECKLACE for Meditation, Balancing, Energy, Succes, Protection !
Looking for a gift for your man? You've found the perfect item for this! 

..COMPOSITION:  Hematite bamboo (8x12mm) and Turquoise (6mm),gemstones beautiful Hematite Cross and stainless steel accessories 

Dimension 50 cm ; Color - black , blue and silver. (Please message us if You want to order another dimension.) 

. You can choose from another silver tibetan Pendant  -1. DRAGON pendant, 2, Horse shoe pendant,3. WOLF HEAD ( from Final Fantasy Movie), or 4. Kabbalah Triangle protection pendant, or 5. Heart "for ever ", or 6. Hamsa handPlease leave a message with your option.

...The beauty and POWER OF CRYSTALS and stones have been long recognized,for their beauty but also for their healing and spiritual power and have been long used for their unique and special properties.

HEMATITE  -stone for the mind and businessman talisman

Hematite helps to protect against negative energies, shielding the wearer from external negativity and enhancing inner strength and courage.Is excellent for the mind, as it stimulates focus, enhancing concentration and memory recall. It stimulates the brain, improving our mental organization and logical thought - and it even encourages original thinking.It balances the body, stabilizing our equilibrium and helping both ethereal and physical systems remain aligned.The hematite is known as the "blood stone". It is intended to stimulate the formation of blood and hemostatic effect. He is a rejuvenator and gives strength, vitality and vibrancy.

THE MAGNETIC HEMATITE  is a wonderful relaxing and calming stone to use in meditation and it has the potential to aid you to create quite amazing changes in your life. This stone will aid in visualization and imagery- can attract what you think. Magnetic therapy is the idea that magnets increase circulation, blood flow, and oxygen in a specific area in the body, stimulate the brain and affects the pineal gland.. Increased blood flow can help to relieve pain and stiffness, especially if your joints, back, or muscles are swollen or injured. Many individuals with arthritis and other chronic pain conditions report relief from magnet therapy; Wearers of magnetic jewellery tell that it has helped them with: respiration problems, back pain, poor circulation, varicose Veins, Migraine and Headaches, stress andanxiety, Arthritis, period pain Rheumatism.Besides being strong and therapeutic,

STONE RECOMMENDED for :Zodiac: Aries, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.


Attracts luck, gives security and self esteem, and  bring abundance.  Turquoise is said to also help speed the healing process, and is known as a Master Healer stone. It has tremendous skills as a regenerative power, and can transform the darkness into light.

 Turquoise is a powerful crystal for relieving stress. It is said to protect against pollution in the environment.  It is very powerful for grounding and protection.Protects against accidents and violence (robbery, theft, assault).

 It is also known as a stone of protection and communication on every level. It is wonderful for the throat chakra, to encourage communication between the heart and mind,creativity, as well as to express desires and dreams; it balances yin and yang, energizes, cleanses and clears the meridians of the body during meditation , and is known as the stone which connects heaven and earth, not to mention it's stunning beauty!

..This is a stunning jewelry that works well for all occasions, styles, and ages, and will be a piece of jewelry that can be wear each and everyday! ... A great gift idea, or even a special treat for yourself. Whether you are shopping for an Anniversary Gift, Christmas Gift, Valentine’s Day or Mother Day gift, or birthday gift, our jewelry are just what you are looking for.
...Be a unique, with your own one of a kind trendy, wide jewel. 
May it bring you good luck, and I hope you enjoy many other of our creations !