Shop - "Dress Your Nails"
UK Seller - 2nd  
Hair/Head band

Very Soft Knot Headband

Babies, Toddlers, Infants

Only £3.99 - inclusive of postage

Essential for Summer 

Material  - Cotton / Polyester

Age Group - soft enough for Babies upwards
Toddlers, Infants, Children

Size Width 6.5 - 8cms*34cm+ in length fastened together forming a circle
8cm is the widest part which is to the rear of the bands
approximate 7cm near to the knot at the front

All sizes are approximate

Elastic Cotton Polyester Headband

Put it over the head, knot at the front which makes it look like a 
turban band, or as the suppliers call them "Rabbit ears fastener"
It is also called a "bow fastener", a "knotted fastener" or a "scrunchies"

Slight Stretch

Bright Vivid Colours - match your children's summer dresses/outfits

Deep Pink with White Stars
Light Pink with White Dots
Turquoise Blue with White Dots
Yellow with White Dots
White with Red Dots

Want more than l colour - message me for a price

There is a seam in the band where it has been made then turned
the right way so you should not see the actual stitches

The headband is made up of 2 pieces of material
A larger piece which has a seam down the middle which forms the headband
A second piece of material, smaller in size, the seam is on the side
and is shaped to form the "ears" when assembled
Tie the ears piece underneath the band and you will not see the shape
you will just see the "turban" style of the headband
Or use it without the 2nd piece and leave as a plain headband

3 ways to wear your headband


Hand Wash - wash with like to like colours

Items bought and paid prior to 11.00 am will be posted on the same day


Postage Information


Postage is available outside UK - see my information page

Outside UK Order and Postage Info

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My shop is ""Dress Your Nails”.
Suppliers of All 3d Nail Art - Resin + Metal, Nail Stickers - Wraps + Foils,
 Nail Art Brushes, Tools + Accessories

I also sell many more accessories such as 

Tattoos, Clothing, Costume Jewellery Embellishments, 

Hair Accessories, Key-rings/chains, Phone Charms, Pots/Containers, 

Beauty products, Hosiery + Others

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