Tiande Green Tea & Sanchi Ginseng Toothpaste 6-Pack, 120g Each - Holistic Oral Care

Introducing the Tiande Green Tea & Sanchi Ginseng Toothpaste, available in a convenient 6-pack bundle, each tube containing 120g. This innovative toothpaste combines the natural benefits of green tea and Sanchi ginseng to offer comprehensive oral care.

Key Features:

  • Green Tea Extract: Harnesses the power of natural green tea for its antibacterial properties, ensuring a clean and healthy oral cavity.
  • Sanchi Ginseng Root Extract: Aids in normalizing metabolic processes in periodontal tissues, promoting gum health.
  • Effective Plaque Removal: Thoroughly cleanses your teeth, removing plaque and preventing tooth decay.
  • Breath Freshening: Infused with menthol for a refreshing aftertaste and long-lasting fresh breath.
  • Gentle and Safe Formula: Free from fluoride, parabens, triclosan, and chlorhexidine, making it suitable for regular use.
  • Hydrated Silica Base: Ensures mild yet effective cleaning, preserving the natural strength of your teeth.

How to Use:

  • Apply a small amount of Tiande Green Tea & Sanchi Ginseng Toothpaste on your "Prodental" toothbrush.
  • Brush thoroughly for at least two minutes, twice daily.
  • Reach all areas of your mouth for an all-around clean.

Perfect for those seeking a natural approach to dental hygiene, the Tiande Green Tea & Sanchi Ginseng Toothpaste is your ally in maintaining a healthy, vibrant smile. Embrace the fusion of ancient herbal wisdom and modern dental care science. Get your 6-pack today and transform your daily oral care routine!