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Product Description
Countless grindcore bands enjoy greater renown (if you can call the act of starving for a living "renown") than Denver, Colorado's Catheter, but name one that's chosen a more suitable moniker, or has better represented the genre's anti-establishment, go-on-and-hate-us, nuke-every-convention ethos, throughout its career. Now 15 years down their chosen path of quasi-obscurity, Catheter have participated in over a dozen split releases with like-spirited groups, yet amazingly cobbled together an entire album's worth of material but three times -- and that's allowing for 30 minutes worth of music to qualify as an album. Their first in seven years, 2012's Southwest Doom Violence (is Colorado technically located in the American Southwest? Guess so) features as much actual doom -- as in the slow-as-molasses musical style -- as it does reggae (i.e. none whatsoever); unless the band is referring to the momentary respites from the full-tilt grindcore velocity and intensity that prevail throughout. In that case, there are indeed, possibly, a few more slow parts per capita in these 17 tunes -- all of them except for the four-minute closer "In This Moment" standard issue, sub-one-or-two-minute blasts -- than the average grindcore release, but only just. Rather, while sporadic slower tracks like "Ingestion" and "No Harvest" actually save the inevitable freakouts for their dying seconds, the titular doom reference is probably no more than an almost subconscious state of mind shared by the band while conceiving this LP (e.g., contemplating the ultimate yin-yang in tempo epitomized by each genre), as suggested by the amusing spoken intro to the tellingly named "Doom to Grind." Don't be misled or otherwise concerned, however. Southwest Doom Violence delivers bona fide grindcore benefits through and through, in keeping with Catheter's proud, if still criminally underexposed legacy. ~ Eduardo Rivadavia

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