Franklin Library FULL leather edition of Winston S. Churchill's "The Second World War: Their Finest Hour, With Reportorial Sketches by Captain Bryan de Grineau, M.C. a Limited edition, one of the GREATEST BOOKS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY series, published in 1978.  Bound in a royal blue leather, the book has gray moire silk end leaves, satin book marker, hubbed spine, gold gilding on three edges---in near FINE condition.  Winston Churchill, who lived from 1874-1965, was the son of Lord Randolph Churchill, the second son of th 7th Duke of Marborough.  Churchill led the British citizens during WW II.  In June 1940, he declared:  "Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. . . .Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war. . . .Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will say, 'This was their finest hours'."  Alone and outnumbered, and separated from the seemingly unstoppable German war machine by a narrow strip of sea, Britons turned to the leadership of a unique and controversial man who, as a soldier, journalist, author and politician, had been in the forefront of his nation's affairs for almost half a century. "We shall defend our island, said Churchill.  We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds. . .we shall never surrender.  I offer Combined shipping.