The celebration of Christmas is held annually by many people worldwide. The holiday is commonly observed in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Depending on the family, the celebration can include many traditions, including decorating, gift giving, Advent celebrations, Nativity Scenes, and Christmas pageants. However, among all of the festivities, the reason for celebration remains the most important: that Jesus came to be the Light of the World. Use this Car Magnet as a reminder of why we celebrate.
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Jesus Is the Reason For the Season Large Bumper Strip Magnet


Jesus Is the Reason For the Season Large Bumper Strip Magnet

The celebration of Christmas is held annually by many people worldwide. The holiday is commonly observed in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Depending on the family, the celebration can include many traditions, including decorating, gift giving, Advent celebrations, Nativity Scenes, and Christmas pageants. However, among all of the festivities, the reason for celebration remains the most important: that Jesus came to be the Light of the World. Use this Car Magnet as a reminder of why we celebrate.