BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY BOOK ON ICELAND, Published by Arthaud in 1963. LIMITED EDITION, according to bibliography page in back.  This appears to be a printing of 2655 copies, of which this is copy number 948.  Cloth boards with light age-toning, blind stamped on front board, clean black letters on spine.  Color and B&W photos by Patrick Plumet, and lots of commentary in French.  Chapters on (translated online), The Gold of Iceland - Ultima Thule - The Island of Runes - The people of the Drakkar - The Laws, the Sagas - the Dead and the Alive - Comments of the Illustrations - bibliography.  337 pages, no markings other than gift inscription in front - see listing photo.  I do not believe that to be an inscription of any individual associated with this publication, but I can't ascertain who wrote the inscription.    B63