for the Pipe


Halcyon (hal·see·on)--noun: a bird in Greek mythology, usually identified with the kingfisher, with the power to calm the wind and waves while nesting on the sea during the winter solstice; adjective--prosperous, peaceful, as in "the halcyon years between the wars" or "the halcyon days of our childhood summers"


This is a newest version of the Halcyon Pipe Wax from Fine Pipes International, first introduced at the 2006 Chicago Pipe Show. It is the best wax we have found for general purpose pipe polishing and preservation. It is an odorless blend of food grade "microcrystalline" waxes, and gives a rich, long lasting shine on briar, vulcanite, silver, meerschaum and other materials without the need for a buffer. It resists heat, fingerprints, moisture and stem oxidation.


Our original product (Halcyon I) contained a formula that had been developed by technicians at the British Museum, and had won enthusiastic acceptance in the areas of antique furniture restoration and art conservation. Tested for 30 years in leading museums around the world, that formula was found to be superior in many ways to carnauba wax, and safer for the material on which it is applied. Moreover, it turned out to have a wide range of other uses in the home, studio and workshop. And because it could be applied in such small quantities, it was very economical.

The original Halcyon was well received by our customers. But after studying its formula, we found we could improve it in two significant ways for use by pipe smokers and collectors: first, we managed to find a blend of waxes that has a melting point that is 30 degrees higher than carnauba--nearly 200 degrees. This helps the wax to survive the heat of pipe smoking. Moreover, this new blend is harder and more durable than the old formula. Next, we found a carrier for the waxes that is quite expensive, but very highly refined, and less flammable than the older one. Best of all, has virtually no odor--less than .02% aromatic hydrocarbons. We are now blending, processing and packing this wax in-house. Halcyon II has shown itself to be notably superior in performance to Halcyon, while just as economical. It too can be used on woodwork, leather, violins and guitars, drill bits and fine machinery and many other materials--even computer screens.

It's very easy to use--a small dab on your fingertip is enough for the pipe and stem. Just rub on, let dry for 10-15 seconds, and polish with a soft cloth. A second coat gives a deeper, more brilliant shine.

Halcyon II is supplied in a 1 oz flint glass jar, sufficient for scores of pipes.

NOTE: We do combine shipping if you purchase Paragon wax at the same time. eBay should do so automatically for domestic buyers. For overseas buyers, we will rebate excess shipping charges to your PayPal account. 



Before and After


Here is an example of a smooth pipe, a nice Comoy Tradition billiard from the ‘60’s. When I received the pipe, it was intact but had no shine whatsoever, as can be seen in the top picture. Two coats of Halcyon were applied, each rubbed out fully, and these were the results:



It is easy to see how Halcyon brought the wood and vulcanite to life.


Here is a second example, a 1969 Dunhill Tanshell 659. Tanshells are always difficult to restore because they show all the dirt and wax that accumulates in the blast from handling, and can be unevenly colored by smoking. Here, I prepared the surface for waxing by brushing the briar with alcohol to remove the dirt and wax accumulations. Then came two coats of Halcyon, each followed by hand rubbing.  The results speak for themselves.