2017 Ukraine Coin 5 UAH
100 Years since the Launch of the First Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar People

Denomination                  5
Metal                              nickel silver
Weight                            16.54                 
Diameter, mm                  35    
Mintage,                          35 000

Series: Other coins

This coin celebrates the first Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people, a national congress, which was launched in November 1917. The Kurultai adopted a constitution that proclaimed the formation of the Crimean People`s Republic, the first Muslim democratic republic in the world. The constitution guaranteed equality for the all the Crimean people, regardless of their nationality and gender, as well as proclaimed fundamental democratic freedoms. The Kurultai also adopted the national flag in blue, the national coat of arms in the form of the golden tamga of the Crimean Khanate, and the national anthem.

    Obverse: there is Ukraine`s small coat of arms, to the right of which is the legend: УКРАЇНА/ 5 ГРИВЕНЬ (Ukraine/ 5 hryvnias), below the coat of arms in the issue year - 2017; against the backdrop of the peninsula`s map (printed in blue) are the following lines from the national anthem of the Crimean Tatars (printed in yellow letters): Я ПРИСЯГНУВСЯ,/ Я ДАВ СЛОВО/ ПОМЕРТИ ЗА НАРОД…/ ANT ETKENMEN,/ SOZ BERGENMEN/ MILLET ICUN OLMEGE... (I swore,/I pledged to/die for my people…), and a yellow tamga (pad-printed), the coat of arms of the Crimean Tatars; there is also the mint mark of the NBU Banknote Printing and Minting Works (to the right).

    Reverse: against the background of a mosque are participants in the first national congress of the Crimean Tatars and the following legends: 100 РОКІВ/ YIL (100 years) (above the mosque), ПЕРШИЙ КУРУЛТАЙ КРИМСЬКОТАТАРСЬКОГО НАРОДУ (the first Kurultai of the Crimean Tatars) (semicircular above), and QIRIMTATAR HALQININ BIRINCI QURULTAYI (semicircular below).

Designer: Volodymyr Taran, Oleksandr Kharuk, Serhii Kharuk
Engraver: Volodymyr Demianenko, Anatolii Demianenko

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