This listing is for physical software not a download offer. Pictures are actual pictures. Thanks Digitalville LLC

  • Live the critically acclaimed, cinematic action-adventure, re-built specifically for next gen consoles
  • Survive high-octane combat, customize Lara's weapons and gear, and overcome grueling environments to uncover the island's deadly secret
  • See Lara Croft like never before, with every bead of sweat, strand of hair, and article of clothing delivered in obsessive detail
  • Endure a stunningly re-imagined island, fraught with new, unforgiving storms, and alive with motion
  • Own the complete Tomb Raider experience with all of the DLC, including the Tomb of the Lost Adventurer, six outfits for Lara, a digital mini art book, and the digital comic "The Beginning

Please NOTE: This game is UK Import Game it is Region Free PAL Game. HD TV and HDMI Cable connection may be required to play. 

You may need to open free European PSN account for DLCs and extra contents and for online play. Thanks Digitalville LLC