In fragrant waters, the "Scents of Nature" imprinted the smells of a Russian garden and forests in their natural beauty. The collection stores the aromas of sweet berries, juicy fruits, fragrant greens, so that we can return year-round in an endless summer for a wonderful mood.

Aromas can be worn as perfume, and can be sprayed into the air or on a handkerchief. Droplets of fragrant water will remind us of how we played in the grandmother's garden, rushed around the field, wandered in the woods with a basket, counted the stars, lying in the grass. Remind of the happy days that were and will be.

The smell of strawberries plays many shades: sweet and spicy, hot and fresh, elusive and persistent, relaxing and charging with energy. In a handful of ripe berries are hidden fragrant grass, pine needles, petals of forest flowers. A tender, sensual fragrance hides a small secret, a ruby ​​drop in the emerald foliage.

July noon, the forest beckons, tempts with smells, paints and sounds, forest paths run, stretch enchanted ball - and lead to a fragrant
glade. Strawberry strawberry water will give you a great mood and turn you into a forest sorceress, around which is an eternal, endless summer