18th Century copper engraving by Thomas Trotter (1756 - 1803) titled " Chinese Husbandmen with their manner of tillage " ,  engraved for George Henry Millar New Complete & Universal SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY from complete history and description of the whole world published Alexander Hogg 1782 
37 cm x 25 cm

Thomas Trotter was a painter and engraver; entered at RA schools as engraver in 1779, exhibited RA in 1780 - 1782, 1801
Thomas Trotter was a tradesman before studying under Blake
He engraved several plates in the manner of Stothard , but his reputation rests on his engravings from originals by Sir Joshua Reynolds 
Unfortunately, his eyesight deteriorated to the point where he was unable to continue engraving and, towards the end of his career, he devoted himself exclusively to drawings of architectural views and antiquities.