Dog Snoods

Top Dog Show Supplies manufacture snoods in over 70 different varieties of  materials and colours / patterns and in three different sizes (see other listings for other sizes).

Snoods are practical for both show and pet dogs with long coated ears or long ears. The snood can be used to keep the coat on your dogs ears clean during feeding time, play time and during walks. During the summer months snoods also help to prevent your dog getting grass seeds in their ears during play time or during walks. During winter our waterproof snoods keep your dogs ears dry and stop snow sticking to your dogs ears and our fleece snoods keep their ears warm on winter walks and our toweling snoods help dry out wet ears.

This listing is for our medium sized snoods to fit Cocker Spaniels, American Cocker Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels as examples. When laid flat the snoods measure nine inches long and nine inches wide. We do leave access to the elastic in the hems of all our snoods so if you need to make your dogs snood a firmer fit you can simply pull out the elastic and tie another knot to make the snood smaller.

Thank you for looking at our listing and please check out our eBay shop 

Top Dog Show Supplies