200g Copper Sulphate

'Blue Vitriol', 'Blue Stone', 'Cupric Sulphate' 

EC Number: 231-847-6
Cas Number: 7758-98-7
Pest Control
Copper Sulphate cleans swimming pools by killing off algae.
Can also be used in in ponds or aquariums to kill parasites.
It will effectively discourage snails in the garden, protecting growing vegetables. 

Copper Sulphate solutions are very effective to get rid of mildew, blight and other fungus caused plant infections from fruiting trees and vegetables.

As a Fungicide
Mixed with Lime to it produces 'Bordeaux Mixture' which can be used to control fungus on grapes and other berries. 

Growing Crystals
Copper Sulphate solutions are used to grow beautiful bright blue crystals

Copper Sulphate is also used in printing as an electrolyte 

Etching agent
Will etch aluminum and zinc surfaces.

Safety Warning
Handle with caution - please read labels before use.