Cover: Mariette Hartley in “Ride the High Country” ARTICLES: 20th’s Backlot by George P. Erengis Judy Garland by Robert Rosterman – 14 pages A Lionel Barrymore Index FILM REVIEWS: The Children’s Hour Farewell Doves by Tatiana Balkoff Drowne Hitler by Arthur D. Clark Last Year at Marienbad by Louise Corbin Ride the High Country by Robert Anck State Fair by Romano Tozzi Sweet Bird of Youth by Elaine Rothschild Through a Glass Darkly by Henry Hart MONTHLY COLUMNS: List of Recommended Movies Films on TV by Don Miller The Sound Track by T.M.F. Steen Bing in Hollywood by Miles Kreuger Films In Review magazine is usually about 60 pages long. It has lots of comtemporary articles and pictures about movies and stars that were out at the time of publication as well as unbiased reviews. It is a smaller format publication measuring about 7.5" X 5.5". There is usually only occasional advertising for other related publications.