"A Few Simple Reminders" for Individual and Cultural Renewal...

One set of 15 Cards for only 99 cents! (reflecting our "Thin Envelope Discount!")
  • 15 pt card stock
  • 2" X 3.5 inches
  • rounded corners
  • color printing on both sides, as pictured...
Purchase 5 sets and receive 25 bonus cards free of charge (a total of 100 cards).  All 100 cards will be shipped together in a padded envelope with a USPS tracking number at no extra charge.

The purpose of these cards is to pass along a few simple reminders that are conducive to both individual and cultural renewal.  Begin sharing them today– by precept and example –with the next generation:

  1. "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants…"  (Michael Pollan)
  2. "A part of all you earn is yours to keep…" (George Clasen)
  3. "In stillness the world is restored…"             (Lao Tzu)

A healthy social and cultural environment is one that, generally speaking, is conducive to the rearing of children who will grow into healthy, wealthy, and wise adults.  The lives of such adults will, in turn, tend to reinforce the type of social and cultural environment in which they were raised so that, ideally, a cycle of healthy and abundant life can continue, from generation to generation.  In contrast to this ideal, however, the dominant social and cultural environment of our time seems to be generating widespread illness, poverty, and folly.  This is terribly unfair to everyone involved, but especially to our children and grandchildren.  Please begin sharing these simple reminders today…