Thinning Collection one off Rare Isle of Man Posters & Handbills

Posters are the ultimate ephemera, intended for a short life of days or weeks AT MOST, posted on poster boards and over-pasted or pinned up in shop windows and torn down once the event is over. Most were destroyed within days of being printed. They are colourful items reflecting a different society to today, and pre-1960 posters are sought after collectors items and can fetch three figure sums in reasonable condition Replicas are produced to meet the demand, but these are genuine original posters.  The Isle of Man Railway/Road Services worked closely with many such events to the extent of exchanging posters and providing display sites at stations so long as the railway and buses were promoted, so the posters in effect promoted the trains and buses in exchange for display at railway and bus stations.

Each poster is an unused unmounted file copy so may have punch holes and is folded but is otherwise in excellent condition. I decided to thin my collection and these are some of the posters on offer. They are all from the 1950s, thought to be 1958 or 1959. They are one offs from my connection and probably the only surviving copy so when it’s gone, it’s gone.

Handbills usually have a similar brief life. Once again these were file copies, so have survived for sixty years in perfect condition.

We had 17 items in this selection of IOM original 1950s posters and handbills, and the first 6 items described are all that are left, but it was so confusing with lots of items sold that I revamped the listing to eliminate what was out of stock.  We have added some fresh items as well which are again one offs.


Castletown Festival & Regatta, 4-8-1958;

letterpress poster in red and black on white paper. Minor creasing which will not be obtrusive when mounted, some small filing holes. Under patronage of Sir Joseph Qualtrough, speaker of the House of Keys 1937-1960. 18x21 ins


Port Erin Gymkhana, Thursday 16 July [1959]

organised by IOM Light Horse Society. In black on very pale green paper 14x19 ins.

Boat Show & Nautical Exhibition handbill, Ramsey Aug 1958

The exhibition ran for a week 16-23 Aug 1958 with sailing dingies, boat gear, photos and models and was held at the Old Cross Hall, Ramsey. It is printed in black on green by the long defunct ‘Courier’ printing works in Ramsey. 5 x 8.5 ins


  Mooragh Lake Regatta handbill Tues 27-8-1959

This regatta handbill, printed by Strickett, printers of Ramsey is in black on pale green paper and measures 5.5 x 8.75 ins.



Sun Dress & Afternoon Tea Frock competition handbill. Ramsey 1958

The Swimming Pool arranged different events throughout the season with regular swimming galas, a carnival dance and a Sun Dress and Afternoon Tea Frock competition. The ‘handbill’ measures 6.5 x 14 ins which is between handbill and poster size so is unusual. It is in black on yellow


 Port Erin Regatta & Carnival dance  14.5 x 19, printed in black on light green Tues 5-8-1958.

This is another item in excellent condition and has never been displayed, being a file copy. The events include a Bonny Baby competition, buried treasure and a Carnival Dance at Bradda Glen in the evening. 


Ramsey Sun Dress and tea frock competition 17-7-58 handbill 

 The open air Swimming Pool arranged different events throughout the season with regular swimming galas, a carnival dance and a Sun Dress and Afternoon Tea Frock competition. The ‘handbill’ measures 6.5 x 15 ins which is between handbill and poster size so is unusual. It is in black on yellow



6.5 x 14.5" August Bank Hol 4-8-1958 Swimming Gala RAMSEY Mini-Poster!  

Some shops were not willing to put up a full size poster so mini posters were produced to the long deep Ramsey format but instead of being 10 x 30" they were 6.5 x14.5", and this is an example from 1959 in black on yellow. These mini posters are ideal for home display where space may be limited.


Isle of Man poster Port St Mary REGATTA 10-8-1959 yacht races bonny baby 30 x 20

A 30 x 20" Port Erin regatta poster in very fine condition P.ort St Mary is not as well represented as some other resorts in this selection, so we are delighted to offer this item with  sand modelling competitions, bonny baby contests, yacht racing in the day, swimming and an evening fancy dress competition. Has the usual filing holes but otherwise in superb condition.


Swimming Gala handbill/Bathing Beauty entry form Port Erin 1958

The now closed open air swimming pool at Port Erin was one of several open air pools in the IOM which were popular from Edwardian days to the 1950s, but are all long closed.  It covers a Swimming Gala and Bathing Beauty competition on Wed 16 July [1958].  Bathing Beauty contests were immensely popular until the feminist backlash in recent times.  The reverse of the handbills is an Entry Form for the Bathing Beauty competition and the competitor agrees to be present at the Open Air swimming pool at 2.30pm and to accept the judge’s decision as final.  Black on white 5.5 x 9.5 ins
