suspension strut rear passenger gj3218k04ae in good condition
10% discount for all parts paid cash on collection .Collections welcome from:      sheffield sports salvage   open 8.30am - 5pm mon-fri   weekends may be possible by prior arrangement

you can arrange your own courier on parts that are collection only

The small picture in the corner is the car that the part came from please check that your car is the same, Picture is of the actual part that will be sent.

Warranty:         Parts carry a 30 day back to base guarantee from the date of receipt, Labour cost are not refunded.

COVIDVIRUS      We are open and sending out orders
10% discount for all parts paid cash on collection .Collections are still welcome observing the 2 meter social distancing rules, opening times are Monday to Friday 9am -5pm for more info contact sheffield sports salvage
You can arrange your own courier on items listed as collection (customers have used proovia couriers for large items like doors, bumpers, bonnets. you can get an instant online quote from their website)