(Works in United Kingdom)
New Leaf Welcome Cards
Animal Crossing
Happy Home Designer
Pick your own Card from 1-50
Play it on Nintendo
Card List
(Names written in Japanese)

#01 Vivian
#02 Hopkins
#03 June
#04 Piper
#05 Paolo
#06 Hornsby
#07 Stella
#08 Tybalt
#09 Huck
#10 Sylvana
#11 Boris
#12 Wade
#13 Carrie
#14 Ketchup
#15 Rex
#16 Stu
#17 Ursala
#18 Jacob
#19 Maddie
#20 Billy
#21 Boyd
#22 Bitty
#23 Maggie
#24 Murphy
#25 Plucky
#26 Sandy
#27 Claude
#28 Raddle
#29 Julia
#30 Louie
#31 Bea
#32 Admiral
#33 Ellie
#34 Boots
#35 Weber
#36 Candi
#37 Leopold
#38 Spike
#39 Cashmere
#40 Tad
#41 Norma
#42 Gonzo
#43 Sprocket
#44 Snooty
#45 Olive
#46 Dobie
#47 Buzz
#48 Cleo
#49 Ike
#50 Tasha
See my other listings for other cards from
Series 1,2,3 and 4. 
Buyers outside UK if buying multiple items add items to "Basket" and request a total from the Seller.
Compradores fuera del Reino Unido si la compra de varios artículos añada artículos a "canasta " y solicite un total del vendedor.
Acheteurs en dehors du Royaume-Uni si l'achat de plusieurs articles ajouter des éléments à  "panier " et demander un total du vendeur.
Käufer außerhalb Großbritanniens wenn Sie mehrere Artikel kaufen, fügen Sie Artikel  "Warenkorb " hinzu und fordern Sie eine Summe vom Verkäufer an.
Acquirenti al di fuori del Regno Unito se l'acquisto di più elementi aggiungere elementi a  "cestino " e richiedere un totale dal venditore.