
Kollege Schnürschuh - Shoe School

Vinyl LP


Pressung:DE - Original
Sofort lieferbar.

Limited Edition of 200 Copies.

The second release of the label Dedicate is created by Kollege Schnürschuh. The producer collective was founded by Phonk D and Iron in 2007 and expanded in the following years with beatmaker Clav Split and mastering engineer Jogging Jones. Listeners who are not aware of previous productions of the ‘Sole Brothers’ will experience a 34 minute lesson throughout these 12 instrumental tracks in the ’Shoe School’, a state of mind somewhere between Old and New School. True hip hop without too much bling and flashy ice. If you have ever heard of the good old Kollege, then it is most likely through his productions for Mädness and Döll or the beat tape "2rbostatic". The idea for this compilation came up many years ago. Ever since then tracks were compiled and edited, thrown away or complete rerecorded. The workflow was continuously interrupted by side projects or solo activities - collaborative studio days were rare in these times. Nevertheless, this venture should just not be left in a dusty shoe box and therefore calendars were cleared in the end of 2019 and the plan of action was finalised.


A5.Sole Brothers
A6.Wake Chop
B2.Come Closer
B3.All About - Shakedown
B4.Last Night

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