This product has been proven to be a solution for some people with sleep disorders, headache, fatigue, depressive symptoms, restlessness, and other physical complaints due to EMF.

Everything resonates, including you! 

We are permanently exposed to large amounts of natural and non-natural (technical) EMF radiation, with harmonic or disharmonic properties. 

Because our body consists of more than 90% water, the influence of EMF radiation on our body fluids will be relatively large. The water inside our body literally resonate with the various EMF frequencies. The gigantic increase in non-natural EMFs will therefore cause increasing disharmonic imprints in our body fluids. 

Are you looking for a solution for radiation from mobile phones, Wi-Fi and other radiation sources? 

The EMF Card with Harmonic Quantum Resonance Technology can offer a solution here. This innovative and patented card has been specially developed and reduces negative effects, to which we are constantly exposed by so-called EMF emitters. 

EMF effect on our health 

M.L. Pall emeritus professor at Washington State University: 

Repeated studies show that exposure to EMF radiation causes sperm damage and neurological effects, EEG changes, cell death, DNA damage, endocrine changes and calcium overload. 

(M.L.Pall, Environmental Research, 2018) 

A number of neurological disorders that are associated to EMF radiation include sleep disorders, headache, fatigue, depressive symptoms, restlessness, stress, etc. 

(M.L.Pall, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 2016) 

The number and radiation power of EMF transmitters is growing rapidly. 

Indoor: Wi-Fi, PCs, mobile telephones, smart meter, microwave and outdoor: radio stations AM & FM, and mobile phone transmission towers 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G.

Scientists warnings of possible serious health effects of 5G -

230 Scientists and doctors from 40 countries are warning about the danger of 5G, which will lead to a huge increase in exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

A lot of research has been done into, whether or not, alleged effects of EMF transmitters. 

The industry likes to rely on the relatively harmless thermal effects, but a lot of scientific studies show harmful non-thermal EMF effects.

Super-fast 5G internet, is or, will be introduced in the coming years. To guarantee high speeds even in busy areas, many more transition towers and small antenna systems are needed.

These antennas pop up everywhere in the streets. For example, they are placed in bus stops, lampposts and buildings, or fences.

How The EMF Card works

the water in our body acts like a protective “chain mail” -

Water molecules are organized in a natural order, in so-called waterclusters, and protect us as a type of "Chain mail". Natural radiation supports and strengthens the "water chain mail“ We have evolved under the influence of natural cosmic, solar and earth radiation. Some of these natural radiation (frequencies) supports the protective waterclustering structure. 

EMF radiation weakens the protective operation of the „water chain mail“ -

Non-natural radiation from 3G, 4G, 5G transmitters, Wi-Fi, mobile phones, etc., so-called EMF emitters, disturb the subtle balance of the waterclusters in our body. We lose our natural protection through EMF radiation and the system can become unbalanced, which may eventually lead to physical complaints. 

The EMF Card strengthens, stabilizes and restores the structure of waterclusters. 

The Harmonic Quantum Resonance Technology can restore the protective waterclustering structure and thereby reduce negative effects of EMF radiation on our body, up to 90% . The EMF Card resonates naturally harmonic frequency, and supports the natural waterclustering structure. The use of The EMF Card can offer a solution for sleep disorders, headache, fatigue,depressive symptoms, restlessness, and other physical complaints with an EMF background. 

The EMF Card, a unique concept! 

The unique concept of The EMF Card ensures a high effectiveness with a large range (± 10 feet). You always carry this card with you and place it on your nightstand at night. This way you stay almost permanently under the influence of the harmonic resonance of The EMF Card. 

The compact Card, the size of a credit card with a thickness of ± half an inch, is made from 100% natural and non-toxic materials and is fully recyclable. The card is manufactured in the Netherlands and assembled manually. 

Operation of the Card 

The EMF Card has mainly been developed to stabilize the natural water-cluster structure in our body fluids. Intercellular water is an important buffer to protect body-cells against incoming electromagnetic fields. 

The Card is also equipped with a twin Q-Resonator, which is also connected to two "power boost“ strips, for local applications. 

The Q-Resonator contains a special alloy which corresponding frequency, promotes concentration, helps with tension and fatigue and supports digestion. 

For the effects of harmonic and disharmonic frequencies on water, see: 

J Geesink , Water the cradle of life in action, cellular architecture is guided by coherent quantum frequencies, 2019 

J Geesink and D Meijer, A new causal coherence law in quantum physics revealed, 2018 

In no way are we claiming with this device to heal an illness or give full protection against radiation. The information and/ or products are offered without any form of guarantee and/ or claim to correctness. 

Instruction Manual will be provided with the card.

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