Doctor Who - The New Series: 7 - Part 1 Blu-Ray (2012) Matt Smith cert 12 2

Title: Doctor Who - The New Series: 7 - Part 1 Leading Actor: Matt Smith Region: Region A,B,C Duration: 222 mins Format: Blu-ray / Limited Edition Type: Blu-ray No. of Discs: 2 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: 2 Entertain UK Release Date: 29 Oct 2012 Edition: Limited Edition

The first five episodes from the seventh series of the relaunched sci-fi adventure show. This time around, the Doctor (Matt Smith), along with companions Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill) - making their series farewell - are kidnapped by the Daleks, transported to the American Wild West and find themselves having to save Earth from an unlikely invasion. The episodes are: 'Asylum of the Daleks', 'Dinosaurs On a Spaceship', 'A Town Called Mercy', 'The Power of Three' and 'The Angels Take Manhattan'.

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