This link is for selling brand-new Trumpeter 1/200 German Bismarck Battleship 03702.

It’s available for shipping to Canada ONLY*.

The photos of finished RC product are ONLY for reference. Every fan may have the potential to make the model even better, but the actual effect would vary from the skills of your own. The demonstration is made by a Chinese fan, Mr. YOU.

Indeed, such large-scale model is also an optimize kit for RC conversion. Reference had been made that it preforms fair well while using our brass RC conversion kits.

However, Trumpeter original kits doesn’t include any motor.

If you really interested in RC conversion and confident for your skills and tools, the power RC module is also available for selling as belows,

Once again, the finished RC product is NOT for Selling.

Due to the packaging size of the model is so hugeits length and volume exceed most of airmail express limitation. Thus, only DHL, UPS, EMS or SAL could accept this model.

Packaging size: 134.5cm X 14.5cm X 46.5cm 

Packaging weight: 7.5kg

Model Parameters,

Item Type: Static Warship

Length: 1265mm

Beam: 181mm

Total Parts: 1700+

Missive Photo Etches are included.

For more 1/350 & 1/200 large ship model or relative RC kit, welcome to visit our online store on eBay via:


To fulfill the eBay's mandatory shipment policy, all of our parcels are provided VALID TRACKING NUMBER and whole shipping process is trackable.

UPS (Recommended to the buyer in North America): We would ship the item via our private route to American UPS large distribution center first. Then the UPS local logistic takes response for finial delivery. There would be less than two weeks of silent period during the transit via private mailing line. Mostly, we could create the tracking number once it dispatches.

EMS: Express Mail Service, a priority airmail about 15 – 58 days to most of countries. Our average records are 13 to 35 days to most of areas in America. A very few unexpected cases would results delay, even up to 60 days. One of risks is EMS refuse to accept large package like this during peak period. If local Post return it for twice, we would give buyer full refund.

SAL: Surface Air Mail, a fair reliable economic airmail, about 19 - 68 days to most of countries. Our average records are 19 to 58 days to America. Parts of west coastal cities in America has the best record like just 15 to 21 days. Still, about 5% unexpected cases like export Custom inspection delay, national post office overstock in export warehouse, etc. The whole delivery period would up to 55 to 62 days. In order to avoid fraud buyer account open request during the package on transport, buyers who choose shipping via SAL is NOT REFUNDABLE. Cases like opening request on eBay leave us a negative feedback and then get full refund, yet a few days later receive the item. But afterwards, none of any approach could we contact the buyer. Such cases really hurt us deeply.

Above two are sending via China Post from our region. Once it dispatches abroad, it would be delivered by your local national post like USPS, Canada Post, Australia Post, Royal Mail, or Deutsch Post, etc. Kindly notice, we NEVER use surface mail via SEA.

SpeedPAK: The eBay designated carrier, according to its official size limitations (66 cm for the longest length), ONLY mailing to Canada is available. Its official declaration of delivery efficiency is very similar to ePacket.

DHL: about 3-7 days (individual countries or even longer). The best and safest but the most expensive shipping method.

Note: If DHL doesn’t support service to certain areas or countries, we would switch EMS to ship your item.

The EP symbol and oversea selling is possessed by Extraordinary Precision Engineering Company (HK)

Thank you.