Live Organic Sphagnum Moss EXTRA LONG, Orchid Terrarium Carnivorous Plants - 2 Gallon Ziploc Bags ~ 7-9 LB

Organic and natural from the cleanest remote environment. Extra long and RARE! This is the best quality available. No dirt, residue or any chemicals! Fresh and live! Limited quantity of this quality!

Will fill up a Large+ Orchid Pot. 2 Generously Stuffed Gallon Ziplock bags. About 6-7+ pounds

Antiseptic Properties! Stop bacterial infections of roots and plants.

Used as sterile wound dressings as far back as 1014. Also used as disposable diapers, furniture stuffing, fuel and mulch. Filled with tubes, sponge-like.

26X weight retention of moisture!

Variety of uses:
  1. Orchids
  2. Terrariums
  3. Carnivorous Plants
  4. Terrariums
  5. Decoration
  6. Soil Mix 
  7. Planting new plants for retaining moisture

Create attractive hiding places for lizards and snakes in order reduce stress and make them feel secure. Also excellent for use around the base of live plants. 

Pictures are of actual moss in stock.