Available is this scarce 384 page softcover titled "LaDon's Lost Diamond - A Novel about life in Middleton Idaho" by Jim E. Reames and published by Reames as the First test market print edition for the July 4, 2008 Middleton street events. Has 6 clues on where to find the diamond - published by Word Farm of Caldwell Idaho.  Signed by Jim and LaDon. 

LaDon’s Lost Diamond is Jim Reames' tale about his own wife and (real life) immediate family, living in the remote community of Middleton, Idaho where a battle of the sexes is started between The Lady Vikings (a group of ex-high school cheerleaders) who match wits with Jake (the local, male chauvinist, barber). In this, part fiction, part non-fiction story, a homeless drifter called Dr. J, has come to Middleton who quickly exploits the emotions, creating a laughing uproar that’s impossible to ignore. Meanwhile, a famous New York private detective, Paul Roberts, is in town hunting for Dr. J, who in real life if a multi-millionaire in hiding. At the same time a local pilot, Bill Hadley, has taken in a troubled teenager, Roberta, with his intent to teach her how to fly straight and level as a pilot, then as a human being. Romance blossoms as winter turns to spring, then into summer. This Christian novel was written with the full intent of taking the reader’s mind away from current day politics, economic struggles, the fear of terrorism. This book is mature enough for adults and innocent enough for children. It will simply make you laugh until you cry! 

Careful packaging including protection from water and rough handling.  
Thank you for looking.