White Tea SymbolThe Silver Needle White Tea Experience: classic, subtle, pureSilver Needles Drying

This delicate, ivory colored brew offers a sublime sip: clean and slightly earthy with a silky sweetness.

Tasting Notes: clean, grassy, sweet

The long, downy buds of this tea are medium green to almost white and are strikingly different from most other tealeaves. Differences are apparent in the luxurious cup they produce as well. The aroma is honeyed, alfalfa-like and a bit vegetal. The exceptionally smooth, woody flavor is completely free from astringency. It bears hints of mellow roasted nuts and fresh sweet herbs. The soft, creamy mouthfeel lingers with delicately warmed sugared notes in the finish. The result is comforting and refreshing, and this teas pure character and sophisticated flavor offer a complete experience unlike any you've had before.

Ingredients: Organic Yin Zhen (Silver Needle) White Tea.

Savoring Your Experience:

Observe the silvery-tipped buds. Inhale the complex sweet-savory aromas. This white tea's exquisite buds set the tone to be appreciated with several senses and hint at the exceptionally nuanced experience yet to come.

This tea is best prepared with generous amount of leaf, and may be brewed multiple times. It has its own subtle sweetness and is delicious served without any sweeteners. Silver Needle is an approachable tea, simple to brew and enjoy.

This tea is a complete treat on its own. However, Silver Needle is perfectly paired with a mid-day Manchego sheep cheese on hearty crackers with fresh fruit. For a meal, team it with any stir-fry or lightly-sauced noodle dish. For a delicious finish, couple it with a nutty dessert.

Fun Facts:

The Fujian province in China is the birthplace of white tea. All true white teas come from a natural variation of the usual tea plant (Camellia sinensis), one which is known for immature leaves which are unusually large, pointy and fuzzy (or "downy"). White teas are hand-picked when the leaves are young, then the immature leaves (or "buds" as they are more commonly known) are simply withered and dried before they are packaged.