Lavandula latifolia


Conditioning : in amber glass codigoutte bottle.

Culture : conventional

Extraction mode: Distillation by steam distillation of flowering tops. 

Origin : FRANCE

Smell : camphorous, fresh and herbaceous

Conservation : Store in a dry place, away from heat and light.


100% pure and natural, this essential oil is much more camphorous than true lavender. Its sweet scent is refreshing.
Perfectly tolerated, known for its healing and calming, antifungal and antitoxic properties, this oil can be applied pure on wounds, burns, sunburn, insect bites, psoriasis, acne and fungal infections

Properties (according to bibliography):

- Powerful antitoxic

- Excellent fungicide

- Anti-catarrhal, expectorant

- Healing for exceptional external use

- Antiviral and immune stimulant

- Analgesic, analgesic (relieves pain)

- Average antibacterial


Indications (according to bibliography):

- Stings from insects, wasps, jellyfish, scorpions

- Burns, sluggish wounds, ulcers, bedsores, psoriasis

- Skin and gynecological mycoses, athlete's foot

- Shingles, chickenpox, cold sores, genital herpes

- Wounds, eczema, psoriasis, acne

- Headaches, migraines

- Bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis, rhinitis

- Joint rheumatism

- Nervous asthenia, depression


Application tip:
External use :       

- Frictions on the chest, back, temples for ENT conditions

- Localized friction for rheumatism

- Skin care: local applications


Another common use of lavender essential oil is fight against lice ; a few drops can be enough to protect our dear little ones against these frequent inconveniences at school.


Synergies : 

- respiratory problems: rosemary

- skin: cistus, immortal

- rheumatism: wintergreen, lemon eucalyptus

- diffusion: marjoram, pine, rosewood, petitgrain.



Precautions for use:
Not recommended during pregnancy.

Certain natural compounds contained in this essential oil may present a risk of allergy in certain sensitive people when the essential oil is incorporated into a cosmetic composition:

linalool and, to a lesser extent, limonene.
As a general rule, always do a test application of your preparation, in the crook of the elbow, at least 48 hours before using it.



For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes,
it is important for your health to 
consult a healthcare professional: 
essential oils are powerful active ingredients 
which should not be used lightly 


100% pure and natural, this essential oil is much more camphorous than true lavender. Its sweet scent is refreshing. Perfectly tolerated, known for its healing and calming, antifungal and antitoxic properties, this oil can be applied pure on wounds, burns, sunburn, insect bites, psoriasis, acne and fungal infections.  Another common use of lavender essential oil is fight against lice ; a few drops can be enough to protect our dear little ones against these frequent inconveniences at school. Certain natural compounds contained in this essential oil may present a risk of allergy in certain sensitive people when the essential oil is incorporated into a cosmetic composition: As a general rule, always do a test application of your preparation, in the crook of the elbow, at least 48 hours befor