Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society Set of 5 Volumes
Beautifully Bound Hardcover Volumes 1-5.

Published by the American Aviation Historical Society, Redondo Beach, 1956-1960.

Volume 1: 1956
Volume 2: 1957
Volume 3: 1958
Volume 4: 1959
Volume 5: 1960


Volume 1:

Introduction to AAHS

Survey of Lockheed Orion History

Introduction to the Vultee V-1A

National Guard Aircraft Types (Table)

Knight Twisters Registered in U.S. (Table)

Problem No. 1--The Home Builts

Only one Remaining Production Aircraft

Aircraft History of the National Guard

National Guard Squadrons--1921-1941 (Table)

An Early Attempt at Sea-Air Rescue

Negative Deterioration

Jenny Jottings

Civilian Lockheed Vega "Ventura" Modifications

Life and Times of the 357th Fighter Group

U.S. Civil Aircraft Accidents (Table)

Sequel to the Ryan C-1 Story

The Golden Eagle


Problem No. 2--Manufacturers Names

Stinson Reliant Model Designation List (Table)

Report to the Membership

Only one Remaing Production Aircraft

Aircraft History of the National Guard

Nation Guard Aircraft Types (Table)

Aircraft Stamp Collecting

Notes on Wright Field Photos

Jimmy Doolittle’s 1932 Laird

Naval Aircraft Construction 1923-1929

Official Performance Test of Fokker Monoplane D-VII Equipped with 110hp Oberusel Engine

Unofficial Aircraft Names


Aircraft Purchased By The Navy Dept.

The "K" of New Haven (Photos)

Characteristics of Special DH-4 Airplanes

Air Service DH-4 Types (Table)

Notes on Some of the Aircraft on Display at Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Mich. Sept/1954

Scale Plastic Kits

Curtiss JN-4H Modified, Bellanca RE-3, Vought V-143 (photos)

The "K" of New Haven

Life and Times of the 357th Fighter Group

National Air Race Photo List

Fuselage Registrations

U.S. Civil Aircraft Accidents (Table)

Secretary’s Report

Air National Guard Units--1956 (Table)

Boeing Parade of Progress (Genealogy)

Development of National Aircraft Insignia for the USAAF and USAF 1915 to 1956

U.S. Civil Aircraft Accidents (Table)

Pioneering Arctic Airways

Secretary’s Report

Replica Fokker Triplanes

Boeing P-12E Restoration

Fleet Air Concentration--1935

Naval Air Units--San Diego--1935

Aircraft of the 1914-1918 War in U.S.--1956

Jennies, Standards and Cannucks

McCook Field P-Numbers

Preliminary Listing of U.S. Civil Aircraft Operated on Twin Floats--1927-1956 (Table)

Jennies, Standards and Cannucks

"Devil Dogs of the Air"


Unofficial Aircraft Names


Civil Registrations

More Wright Field Negative Numobers

Volume 2:

Thirty Years of Lockheed Vegas

Japanese Evaluation of a Captured Douglas DC-5

Pity the Poor Beginner

U.S. Built Aircraft Recently Appearing On Foreign Civil Aircraft Registers (Table)

Aircraft Produced At U.S. Naval Aircraft Factory

A Mustang Takes Off and an Era Ends

Aircraft Purchased By The Navy Dept.

U.S. Civil Aircraft Accidents (Table)

First Korean Kill of the USAF

Replica Curtiss Pushers

Report of the Navy Dept. of Aircraft on Hand, Nov. 1919 (Table)

Aircraft Purchased by The Navy Dept.

It Pays to Advertise--in Advance

American Aircraft in Europe

Wichita Fokkers

TWA Consolidated "Fleetster" Crash Report

Johnny Livingston’s Cessna Racer

Report on Aircraft Surveys, Air Service Aircraft Accepted, Delivered or on Order April 6,1917 to Nov. 1919 (Table)

Report of the Post Office Dept. of Aircraft on Hand, Nov. 1, 1919 (Table)

Junkers Mail Planes in U.S. Air Mail Service

Air Mail Service Aircraft--1936 (Table)

Vegas in Antarctica

Official Performance Test of Spad XIII Equipped With 220 Hp Wright Engine

Brazilian Civil Aircraft Register-1938 (Table)

E Suffix Register

Notes on the U.S. Army Model VE-7 Airplane

Restoration Can Be Death to History

General "Hap" Arnold’s Model Plane Exhibit

1928 Canadian Civil Register (Table)

British Recognition Journals

U.S. Civil Aircraft Accidents (Table)

McCook Field P-Numbers

Thirty Years of Navy Markings

Comments on the Loening M-1 Two Seat Fighter

What Size Photo Do You Take?

Aircraft on Exhibit in the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA

The OX-5 Club

Comparison Between Some U.S. Navy Airplanes of the 1930s

Statement of the President to Membership

How to Bind Magazines and Books

Curtiss Pusher Replicas

World War I Photo Page

Northrop-Vought Fighter, The

USAF Central Museum, The

Aircraft Photo Page

Plans and WWI Articles in Model Airplane News


Jenny Parachute Drop

Curtiss Pusher Replicas

Chronological List of All Aircraft Produced by Boeing Airplane Co., Wichita Division, and Predecessor Steraman Aircraft Co. (Tab

Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Hills

Details of Regular Air Britain Publications

35Mm Color--A New Trading Medium

Some Notes on Monocoupe Types (Table)

P-6A is No More, The

The Aviation Historical Society of New Zealand

37th Attack Squadron’s Coffee Grinder

World War I Photo Page

Notes on the 1936 Air Corp Winter Maneuvers

An Ode to Crissey Field

Aviation Book Club

U.S. Civil Aircraft Accidents (Table)

WWII British Aircraft With American Insignia

Hindenburg Versus TC-14

History of Hollywood in Aviation, The

Movies Featuring Aviation (Table)

Bibliography of WWI Motion Picture Material

First Official List of Civil Aircraft Regist.


8th Air Force Markings (Correspondence)

President’s Message

P-51 Sqdn. Codes, Kills, and Names, England 1945

Volume 3:

The Skipping Characteristics of Some Flying Boats

Fokker Dr. I 2009/18

DN-1, the US Navy’s First Dirigible

Do. 200--Made in U.S.A.

Further Notes on the Museum of Science and Industry

The Golden Years of Flying

Preview of Plastics for 1958

A Challenge--Accepted

WW-I Photos Available from the Imperial War Museum

Introduction to the Vultee V-1A (continued)

Baby Blue Blimps

World War I Photo Page

Duster Heaven

New Standards on the 1945 Register

Movie Aircraft Photo Page

Description and Worth of Air Service Information Circulars

Northrop XFT-1 (3-view plan)

The Jarrett Museum of World War I Aviation

Seversky Photo Page

To Arms, Men

Genealogy of the Curtiss Sparrowhawk Dirigible Fighters

Chronological History of the F9C-2 and its use on the AKRON and MACON

Japanese and German Aircraft on Outdoor Exhibit

How to Draw a 3-View from One Photograph

World War I Photo Page

Jagdeschwader #1 Field Book

The Sikorsky S-35 and the First New York to Paris Attempt

The Measure of America’s World War I Aeronautical Effort

Competition for the Dragon

Surplus Aircraft at Litchfield Park

The Lost Airports

The Navy’s Light Bombing Wing

Additional Aviation Movies

Bibliography of Hollywood Aviation Motion Picture Material

The Air Museum

The Curtiss SOC Seagull

The "Century of Progress" Story

World War I Photo Page

Bellanca Production List

The 1910 Boston Globe Air Meet

Foreign Aircraft on the US Civil Register

P-47 Serial Number Allocation

Aircraft in the Thompson Products Museum

The Goodyear Amphibians

Reference Material on the Fokker DR-I

The Story of Lockheed Vega NR-496M

Historical Vignette

Historical Aviation Films

Braniff Airways Lockheed Vega Crash Report

War Surplus--Post World War I Style

Early Operations with the 31st and 350th Fighter Groups

Antoinette Model I (Gastambide & Mengin) Feb/1908, 3-View

Antoinette ModelII (Gastambide & Mengin) Aug/1908, 3-View

Antoinette ModelIII, 1908, 3-View

Antoinette Model IV, 1909, 3-View

Official British and Australian Air Histories of WW-II

The Navy’s Non-rigid Airships

Flying Saucers

Aviation History & Tape Recording

Battle Participation of Organizations of the American Expeditionary Forces in France, Belgium and Italy, 1917-1918

Official Report of the Post-Rogers Orion Crash

Seversky Photographs

Bibliography of Non-Fiction Aviation Marterial in Liberty Magazine

Imperial War Museum Photo List, German Aircraft 1914-1918

War Photos Available from the RCAF

Camels and Characters

Douglas A-26s on the U.S. Civil Register as of April 1954

Volume 4:

Cover Story--XP-38

U.S. Aircraft in the French Indo-China War

Lt. Harold Bromley’s Lockheed Special

World War II Photo Page

Report of Transcontinental Reliability and Endurance Test--A.S.I.C

News and Comments

Air Force Book Program, The

Forum of Flight

Performance Test of Roland D.VIb With 200 Hp Benz Engine

K of New Haven--Sally Sovereign

Antique Hunting Can Be Fun

Curtiss JN-4D Restoration

History Corrected--the Loss of the German Naval Airship L-62

World War I Photo Page

3rd Pursuit Group Squadron Insigna

Progress Report on the Aviation Historical Society of New Zealand

Progress Report of the Aviation Historical Society of New Zealand

Introducing the Members

New Sources and Bibliography

World War I Photo Page

Service Use and Disposition of the Pfalz D.XII

Barnstorming With a Blimp

Cruise of the Wonder Ship NC-9005H

Imperial Russian Flying Corps in WWI

Flying Pioneers of Aviation

Need for Tape Recorded Interviews, The

Report of Transcontinental Reliability and Endurance Test--A.S.I.C

Flight to Africa of the German Naval Airship L.59, The

Treasure Page

World War II Photo Page

Johnny Livingston’s "Short-Wing" Monocoupe

Results of Some Research for Photos of U.S. Air Service Personnel

Air Service Squadron Reunions

Passing Targets

Project Arrow

Ugly Duckling, The--Sikorsky’s S-38

World War I Photo Page

The Emperial Russian Flying Corps in WWI

Russian Airframe Mfg’s in WWI (Table)

World War I Photo Page

The Southern Cross Complex

Flying Pioneers of Aviation: Max T. Lillie, Andrew Drew

NATO Aircraft Markings

Air Knight of the Ozarks--Capt. Field E. Kindley

148th American

The Airplane Carrying Airship--The First Experiment

Aircraft Armament--The Beginnings

Lewis Gun Mounting, Wing & Scarff (Photos)

Parrabellum Flexible Gun, Trapezoidal Mount (Photos)

Putex 37inm Cannon Installation (Photos)

Vickers Synchronized Gun Mounting SPAD (Photos)

Japanese International Flights of the 1930s

Aircraft Registered to Japanese Newspapers (Table)

World War I Photo Page

Flying Pioneers of Aviation

World War II Photo Page

Volume 5:

Hindenburg Retrospect

National Guard Aviation, 1940-1941

World War II Photo Page

Finishes and Markings of USAF Aircraft

The Navy’s Air Navigation Charts

World War I Photo Page

Flying Pioneers of Aviation: Harry N. Atwood, Arch Freeman

Douglas A-20 Production List

Some Origins of Military Aeronautics

Aircraft and War

Some Air Mail Planes, 1918-1930

The Mail Sack

The President’s Annual Report

The Goodyear Amphibians

"Black Sunday"

American Aircraft in Uruguayan Colors

World War II Photo Page

Related Air Aces in WWI and WWII

Sam Cody’s Flying Cathedrals

World War I Photo page

The Mail Sack & Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


RCAF Serial Numbers, Part 1

Survey of Antique and Replia Aircraft in California

North American P-51 Types to Appear on U.S. Civil Register

Photo Page

Lockheed P-38 Serial Numbers

History of the 88th Observation Squadron

American Developments of the Bristol Fighter

The National Air Museum

The MacMechan-Kamp Airship

The Airship as an Aircraft Carrier

An Evening in Berlin

Flying Pioneers of Aviation: Walter E. Lees, L. Earle Sandt, William E. "Gink" Doherty, Frank Kastory, Joseph M. Palli

World War II Photo Page

World War II on Other Fronts

RCAF Serial Numbers, Part 2

Chase YC-122 Civilian Registry

New Lives of the Chase YC-122

Canadian Curtiss Aircraft--1914-1916

Last Orion, The

Aircraft Armament--The Beginnings

Finishes and Markings of USAF Aircraft

Japanese International Flights of the 1930s

Vought Fighters--The First Generation

Friedrichshafen Raid, The--Nov. 21,1914

World War II Photo Page

Horn Flight Simulator, The (WWI German) (Photos)

Army Airship Operations, Langley Field

National Aircraft Photo Collections

Robbins and Schiefer Pursuit Machine, The

Flight Operations At Sea: World War I

World War II Photo Page

Air National Guard, The--A Pictorial Review

Flying Pioneers of Aviation: Charles Livingston Wiggin, Harry M. Jones, Marjorie Stinson, Dernard L. Whelan, Farnum T. Fish

Aircraft Interned In Sweden During WWII

Douglas Super DC-3s

The Mail Sack

WWII Aircraft Markings of the 15th Air Force

Serial No. Listing Of RCAF P-51D Types (Table)

DC-6 Airplane Fuselage & Mfg. Ser. No. (Table)