40 Packets of Alcotec 48 Pure Turbo Super Yeast Trade Pack
Dual Recipe - High performance up to 20%, Super Rapid Yeast/Nutrient

Alcotec 48 Pure is a Dual turbo yeast.

Simply change the amount of sugar used to change how it works.

It can ferment 6 kgs/25 litres up to 14% in 48 hours!

- or 8 kgs/25 litres up to 20% in 5 days!

You simply choose how much sugar to add.

This is a very friendly yeast strain as it is temperature tolerant so It's perfect for our varying climate.

This turbo yeast is considerably more tolerant to high temperatures than normal Turbo Yeast.

The optimum ambient and liquid temperature is around 25C, but it is no disaster if the ambient temperature goes a bit over 30C.

Ingredients: Yeast, Yeast Nutrient.

Net weight 133g

We recommend using with Alcotec Turbo Klar 24 hour Finings.

This is a trade pack as packed at manufacter. It is sold under trade rules and contains 39-41 packets.