INTRANQUIL SPIRIT WORKBOOK by S. Rob (C) 2021 Solar-Vision Publishing. 72 page staple bound book. CONTENTS:
Chapter 1...4
To make a spouse return...5
To make a lover return...7
To make someone obsessed with you...8
To make someone ask you out on a date...10
Chapter 2...11
To prevent a spouse from leaving you...11
To prevent a lover from leaving you...13
To break up the relationship of an ex...14
To cause chaos in the life of an ex until they return to you...16
Chapter 3...17
To cause your ex-spouse to need a place to stay and so return to you...18
To cause your ex-lover to need a place to stay and so return to you...19
To cause your ex to think of you ceaselessly...21
To cause an ex-lover or spouse to turn up at your door...22
Chapter 4...23
To cause an ex-lover or spouse to be dissatisfied with their new relationship...24
To cause a co-worker to become extremely uncomfortable and dissatisfied with their job...25
To cause a bothersome neighbor to become unhappy and restless and move out of the neighborhood...26
To cause a gambler to not rest until they have gambled away every penny they have...28
To cause an alcoholic to drink more each day until they cannot hold down a job...29
No sleep until….. (state chosen condition)...31
Chapter 5...32
To cause a person to become restless and move out of state or county...33
To cause a person to risk their life until they die...34
To cause a person to waste money until they are broke...36
To cause brain damage to a person until to become less intelligent...37
Chapter 6...38
To cause damage to a man’s sex organs until he cannot father children...39
To cause damage to a woman’s sex organs until she cannot have children...40
To give a person bad back pain until they stop working...41
To cause a person’s eye sight to get worse until they are blind...43
To cause damage to a person’s hearing until they are deaf...44
To cause damage to a person’s hands until they cannot hold anything...46
Chapter 7...47
To damage a person’s legs until they cannot walk...48
To damage a person’s teeth until they have none left...49
To damage a person’s heart until they need an operation...50
Chapter 8...52
For a person’s home to get damaged until it is worth 20% less...52
For a person’s vehicle to get damaged until it is undrivable...53
For a person’s clothes to get torn and be thrown away...55
For a person’s home to be burnt down ...56
For a person’s home to flood and be unsellable...58
Chapter 9...59
For a person to become ill...60
For a person to end up in a wheelchair...61
For a person to lose a right leg (or left)...62
For a person to lose both legs...64
For a person to choke to death ...65
Chapter 10...66
For a person to be unknown by everyone...67
For a person to be not kissed anymore...68
For a person to become homeless...69
For a person to be powerless...71

All items sold for entertainment purposes only.