***SEE PICS***

This lot includes 19 cases: 17 have the original manual included inside. These manuals are not shown in the pics, but most are good or better. There are no torn up junk manuals inside these cases!

There are 2 cases without the manual inside. Splinter Cell and Guitar Hero II (both are shown in pic#5) 

***Out of the 19 cases shown... all have the manual inside except the 2 games shown in pic#5***

There are also 13 additional manuals (pics#7 and #9) and an XBOX 360 console manual (still sealed). 

***Front and back of all items are shown***

The 'Vice City Tourist Guide' manual has some mild bending, wear spots, and warping here and there. It is the manual with the most wear included in this lot.

Once Again there are NO GAMES INCLUDED!

Will ship asap upon your purchase. Tracking info included!