HOTLINE 0049171363937

Sel. KZ kom. Sys. f. Motom Morini T4 GS LEM Malaguti Spule A10 Stator 3200 94 mm

Sel. KZ kom. Sys. f. Motom Morini T4 GS LEM Malaguti Spule A10 Stator 3200 94 mm

Sel. KZ kom. Sys. f. Motom Morini T4 GS LEM Malaguti Spule A10 Stator 3200 94 mm

bestehend aus:

Dmon00131222 Spule A10 KZ
Dmon00131229 Stator 3200 94 mm KZ
Dmon00131221 Rotor für Motom / Morini / LEM / T4 GS
Dmon00088971 Zündkerzenstecker 403030
Dmon00131241 Massekabel




We accept the following payment methods:

  • Paypal
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash - Pick up

Please contact us if you have any questions.


We have normally all parts on stock.