This is a very popular formula among practitioners for it's potent drawing ability. Perfect for drawing love, romance, desires, a night of love...;) whatever you desire! This has quickly become one of my most popular oils due to my authentic recipe. Beware of imitations. This oil makes a wonderful offering to Venus, Aphrodite, or Oshun-ALL goddesses of love will appreciate this sultry scent...especially you! Add it to your shampoo, bath water or body wash-both men and women adore the scent! Use this oil on a red skull candle to achieve your desires or send a clear message to the mind of another about what you want. This oil works wonders on figure candles as well, pink or red are ideal colours to choose. Created with civet, amber, mimosa and calamus root.

 client feedback; "within an hour of sprinkling a little bit of this on...all i can say is WOW :)

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