
WaterWell™ 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Make clean drinkable water from any contaminated fresh water source by safely filtering out 99.9% of waterborne pathogens.

WaterWell™ 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Removes 99.9% Bacteria

WaterWell™ 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

No Aftertaste

WaterWell™ 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Reusable & Cost-Effective

WaterWell™ 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Protective Soft Cover

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

100% Guaranteed Satisfaction

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

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WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

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WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

1 Year Warranty

Get Instant Clean Great Tasting Water Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace.

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Fill from any fresh water source

WaterWell filters eliminate 99.9% of bacteria, protozoan parasites and micro-plastics. Fill from rivers, lakes, groundwater or that suspicious hostel tap and drink water safely.

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Clip and go

This bottle was created to go virtually anywhere. All WaterWell bottles come with a carabiner, making it easy to just clip and go. Use with the protective soft cover and hang from the outside of your bag, or straps using the convenient clip on carabiner

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Ready for any adventure

WaterWell is the perfect water bottle for outdoor adventures that require a reliable water filter. It's durable, hygienic and 100% leak-proof with a high flow rate.

Discover the Features

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Versatile squeeze bottle design

The squeeze bottle is handy for cooking, health and personal care use. Simply fill the bottle with unfiltered water and gently squeeze to decant or create a flow of water.

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Space saving water filter system

Filter can be removed and the bottle can be rolled up and easily stowed in your backpack when not in use.

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

You can never drink contaminated water

When the water stops flowing through the straw, you'll know it's time for a new filter. WaterWell can filter up to 1,000 litres of water.

How it Works

WaterWell’s 2 stage ultrafiltration technology was originally developed for people living in developing nations and for distribution in humanitarian crises.

Most filter bottles on the market only filter to 0.2 microns. By filtering to 0.1 microns we are able to give you cleaner, safer and healthier drinking water.

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Stage 1: Carbon Fibre Filtration

This has a higher specific surface area and allows for water to be in contact with carbon for a longer period than the traditional granulated active carbon filters, which leads to a better contaminant removal.

The carbon removes impurities such as chlorine, organic chemicals, VOC’s, pesticides and herbicides into its pore substrate. The carbon also helps to improve, taste and odour.

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Stage 2: Hollow Fibre Membrane Filtration

The hollow fiber filter used in the WaterWell filters contains around 800-1000 fibers, totalling 0.2 meters squared of surface area. More surface area means a faster flow rate. It also means the filter lasts longer, letting you filter more water before needing to clean the filter to regain its flow rate.

WaterWell 500ml Foldable Squeeze Travel Water Bottle

Join the Refill Revolution

WaterWell filters up to 3000 disposable plastic drinking bottles. End your need for single use plastic bottles by filtering water wherever you are in the world with WaterWell.