2 Yiddish Books on history of shtetl, 1st ed., 1956, 1960

1. Chaim Lieberman
Vacht Oif, Vacht Oif, Dos Yiddishe Hoiz Brent (Awake, Awake, the Jewish Home Is on Fire): A Veygeshrey in Der Yidisher Nocht in Amerike
New York: Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizachi, (1960). 1st ed. 285 pp., wear to cover, good condition
Chaim Lieberman (Herman 1890–1963), Yiddish essayist and literary critic

2. Avrum Pinkhes Unger,
New York: Workmen's Circle 1956, 272 pp First edition. With a foreword by M. Weinreich. Stories of the shtetl and of America.
Condition: rear cover and last 25 pages damage to right upper corner by puppy, text is not affected.