Jewelry And Watches Protective Nano Coating Kit, Multiple Applications, Suitable For All Metals, Liquid Metal Protective Coating, Scratch Protective Coating

Scratch Protective Coating For Metals

It is your Jewelry, watches, or metal accessories; our Jewelry protective nano-coating kit will keep them in top condition for years to come.

Our liquid protective coating for metal uses advanced nanotechnology specifically designed to create a transparent ceramic shield that protects all kinds of metals from scratches after frequent and long use. The protective coating for watches keeps them shining and new.

Easy 3 Step Process And Safe For Every Surface

This Jewelry protective coating does the trick in only 3 easy steps, which are detailed in the included manual. You prep the surface using the alcohol wipes; apply the liquid metal protective coating using just the applicator tip wipe the surface in motion until you get the desired result.

 The nano metal protective coating is proven useful for all surfaces, including Gold, Silver, Platinum, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Glass, and Plastic surfaces.

Multiple Applications In One Bottle

Our DIY protective coating kit delivers multiple applications and protects you Jewelry from discoloration, mold, and bacteria. The liquid metal protective coating takes years off your watches and metal accessories.

The Jewelry Sealant kit includes;