FREI, Andreas (Monaco, 1972), Ghosts in my Car

Monaco, Million Books 2015 Edizione originale di 100 esemplari numerati (Original edition of 100 numbered copies)

Fotografie in bianco e nero di Andreas Frei e fotografie d'epoca della sua famiglia

Es. 33/100

Firma autografa dell'Artista (Signed by the Artist)

8vo (22x13,5 cm), pp. 32, Fogli sciolti (loose pages)
Ottimo (Fine)

"When my grandfather died of Alzheimer`s, he left to me his BMW and a box of old family photographs. At some point, he had written notes and names on the back of the portraits to remember who they were. After my grandfathers death, when I was on the way to a mechanic in the former Eastern Block frontier region of southern Bohemia, the out of time country around me made me think about how little I knew about my ancestors. I realized how very alike my grandfather must have felt at the end of his life."

"Quando mio nonno è morto di Alzheimer mi ha lasciato la sua BMW e una scatola di vecchie fotografie di famiglia. Ad un certo punto, aveva scritto note e nomi sul retro dei ritratti per ricordare chi fossero. La sua morte mi ha fatto pensare a quanto poco sapessi dei miei antenati. Mi sono reso conto di quanto mio nonno, alla fine della sua vita, avesse probabilmente sentito qualcosa di molto simile».

Andreas Frei (b. 1972) is a photographer born and based in Munich, Germany. He mainly works on his own projects and focuses on photobooks. In 2014 he co-founded the artist cooperative "million books". "The borders between photography and art may be more fluent than in any other medium - due to it`s relative newness, historical context, inherent technical aspects and present mass circulation. I think this place is where the medium is defined and the photobook is the perfect vehicle to explore these borders".