Product Information

Dimensions - Height 780 x Width 605mm  / 31" x 24"
Alternate uses - Can be used in different bins, size dependant on whether it is a home or business bin.

Material - Bioska™ 302

Origin - Made from sustainable vegetable based starches.

Going Plastic Free

Our entire range of compostable products are made from plants so end to end they are great for the planet and whether then end up in landfill or incinerated they don't release toxic emissions and don't harm the environment but if they are disposed of properly they will actually help the environment, if you add them to your food waste collection ( let your waste company know they aren't plastic) with one of our plant based rubbish bags and they actually benefit the environment, it's your choice as just switching is great for the planet but proper disposable actually benefits the environment, if in doubt get in touch as we don't just want to sell , we want to help you make the best decision for your business, your customers and the environment ( not a lecture but just wanted to make you aware of all the options).

How to dispose of me

Disposal - Can be composted into macro nutrient rich compost in under 6 weeks in commercial or home food waste collection.
Home Composting - Can be composted at home but times vary in home composters depending on compost health and location.
Recycling - Can be recycled in certain facilities provided by certain Councils and waste collection companies, ask your waste collector if they recycle bio polymers.

Why buy from The Pure Option™ 

We were one of the UK's first companies to distribute plant based packaging , all the way back in 2003 (we went off and did some other things and returned in 2018) but our mission is still the same, to replace toxic packaging with Planet Friendly plant based packaging.

We have Europe's largest range of compostable and biodegradable products with 300+ products made from plants which means when they are disposed of , they turn into compost, which is great for the environment and completely circular.

Switching to plant made packaging doesn't have to cost more and you don't have to compromise on quality, durability and function, as our 300+ products have all been tested to be better than the harmful plastic alternative.

We aren't ecological warriors but we believe we can all make a difference, if you can replace your environmentally damaging packaging with our plant based products, you can have all of the benefits without any  of the negatives ethical and environmental downsides.

100% Planet Friendly Packaging™