Peterson AutoStrobe 490-ST Mechanical Strobe Tuner w/Stretch Tuning

Capable of handling stretched interval tuning, this is the instrument technician's most valuable tool. The Peterson AutoStrobe 490ST offers a vast array of selectable stretched tuning options, including pianos of all types. Enjoy the instantaneous response times that only a Peterson can deliver and the relative tuning display of any audio source to 0.1 of a cent (1/1000 of a semitone) accuracy!


With the Model 490-ST, students, technicians, and musicians of all levels can utilize automatic (hands-free) note selection for absolutely the most accurate tuning of any instrument. Key features including real-time display of intonation to improve performance and listening skills while playing as well as mutable throughputs for in-line (yet silent) tuning during performances round out the package!

PRESET STRETCH TABLES! "Stretch" refers to specific adjustments in the frequencies (pitches) of notes to enhance the overall quality of tuning within an instrument. The AutoStrobe 490-ST comes with 9 factory preset tables that range from concert grand piano to spinet pianos. Users can program up to 31 stretch tunings of their own.
