LIFE Magazine June 25, 1956 Mickey Mantle / New York Yankees Baseball


Pg… 20 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Tito as a Soviet Hero?How Times have Changed! Photographed for LIFE by Lisa Larsen

Pg… 32 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: A Proud Day for a Dying Mother: She Sees Movie of Her Son Graduating No. 1 at Annapolis

Pg… 34 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Human and Electronic Brains Combine to Produce a Big H–Bomb Miss

Pg… 37 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Middlecoff Steadies Out the Pressure and Emerges as the U.S. Open Golf Champion

Pg… 39 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: A Look at the World's Week

Pg… 42 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Foolhardy Men on a Raft Meet Tragedy in the Rapids of the Colorado

Pg… 31 EDITORIAL: The Mess in Moscow Deepens

Pg… 74 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS: Mirror of Venice: a Camera Catches Enchantment of the City's Shadow and Shimmer. Photographed by Ernst Haas

Pg… 99 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS: A Prodigy of Power: Mickey Mantle Comes of Age as a Slugger

Pg… 111 CLOSE–UP: Is Texas' Lyndon Johnson a Kingmaker or a Dark Horse? His Convention Role, as the Candidate Who Wants to Name the Winner, is Told in Fourth Article in LIFE Series on Democratic Candidates

Pg… 50 MOVIES: John Huston Makes Stirring Movie of "Moby Dick" and in "How to Read 'Moby Dick,' " Samuel Eliot Morison Charts Course Past Hard Passages of a Great Novel

Pg… 109 SEQUEL: Bridle Murphy Search Ends at Last: She Was in Chicago All the Time

Pg… 71 MODERN LIVING: Playhouse of Straws: they are Used in New Children's Construction Kit

Pg… 87 MEDICINE: A Hospital Chain Brings Joy to John L.: U.M.W. Boss Sees Realization of His 10–Year Dream

Pg… 93 THEATER: A Better Deal for Nelle: Young Dancer, Whose Career was Stalled, Finally Breads Into Broadway

Pg… 95 FASHION: Shoe with a Change of Heel can be Altered for Day or Evening Wear

Pg… 127 PARTY: Adenauer Unbends by Degrees in U.S.

Pg… 14 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Speaking of Pictures: Ed Sullivan Takes Cakes

Pg… 16 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editors

Pg… 130 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Miscellany: Heifer in a Hole