Life Magazine August 11, 1967 – Forrestal Disaster

Life Magazine Cover :  U.S.S. Forrestal air craft carrier disaster – inferno at sea, CVA-59.

  • David Amram composer, works and plays with Donna Darnell, Leonard Bernstein, George Barrow.
  • Rabies shots, and Richard B. Stolley’s decision.
  • Book : Gwyn Griffin’s “An Operational Necessity.”
  • Movie : “Don’t Look Back” with Bob Dylan.
  • Psychedelia, Electric circus.
  • A Sabbath in the Sinai for Israeli tourists.
  • Nice full page color Nestle’s chocolate ad.
  • Photos of men in mini-skirts.
  • Nice photo essay on Nepal, includes tourists, local farm workers, Pokhara, Kathmandu, Kal Bhairab.
  • Photo of Rita Oldak, youngest woman to pass British barristers’ exams.
  • Photo of Rolling Stone Mick Jagger in court.
  • Amazing aftermath photos of Detroit riot damage, Jerome Cavanaugh, William Hood Sr., Frank Robinson. Rabies shots, Charles LeBrun, Richard Stolley.
  • Very ugly wetsuits with prints, checked patterns and polka dots.
  • Back page humor, man paints a woman on a bench, she wears clothes, he paints her without.
  • Antique magazines are packed with entertainment from cover to cover!
  • Check out other vintage LIFE magazines and let the fun continue.