Hello and welcome to splendid specimens

So here at splendid specimens a favourite among all you beautiful people is the famous Killiecrankie diamond. Only found in one location in the world is this exceptional gemstone from the beautiful Location called Flinders Island in Tasmania.

These crystal clear water like 100% natural gemstones are selling as quickly as I can cut them.

There has been a lot of requests for unique fancy cut gemstones using killiecrankie Diamond rough.

So I hope that you enjoy this beautiful trillion.

This gemstone would be ideal for jewellery.

At 5 carat this gemstone is 10 x 10 x 7.10 mm

With Loupe clean clarity this gem ticks all the boxes.

Hand faceted gemstone‘s to optimise precision clarity and of course reactivity.

With one set currently available make sure to get these before the next person does.

These gemstones have become very scarce on the island with return tickets for fossicking at $1600 return in a small light aircraft.

So it’s my pleasure to be able to offer these at an affordable price.

Tasmania is known for being one of the most beautiful places in the world with fresh crystal clear water and some of the most pure rainforests and breathtaking mountain views. It truly is a pleasure to be able to call this beautiful island home.

So go ahead and treat yourself and make sure that you make your next purchase a splendid one here at splendid specimens the home a beautiful natural and exotic gemstones

Stock #D500