Title: Join the forces of the anti-fascist front to make this claw drop its knife!

This poster belongs to a vintage set of 32 Soviet poster reproductions published in 1975 in the Soviet Union (Leningrad)

The message of this poster is that we can bring peace by multiplying the powers of the anti-facists.It is trying to make people think about synergizing to bring peace to Europe. It usess symbols to show it. The hands are of the communist anti-facist party and on the knife its written "war" in Russian.The most effective part of this poster is the way they potray what will happen if they would synergize.

Why is the combination of the colors red, black, and white so potent in design?

These colors are aposematic meaning used as warning colors in nature. There are several high contrast color combinations found in poisonous and venomous (and some fakers) snakes, frogs, insects and even some birds (see example in picture 4).

Animals, including humans, have a deep rooted reaction to these colors. They make you take notice. Your body can't help it. This is why these color combinations are used in advertising, roadside signs and so on.

Artist:M. Cheremnykh

Publisher: Aurora Publishers, Leningrad

Printed in 1974

Material: paper

Size: 29x39cm

Language: Russian

Made in Leningrad ,Soviet Union 

This is guaranteed 100% soviet period item manufactured in the USSR.

This is not a recent issue, replica or tourist souvenir.