11" X 14" Clint Eastwood, Western Actor... Clint made Spaghetti Westerns Famous.

The Spaghetti Western where Clint Eastwood became America's HERO.
He stands where others faint! The REAL HERO, never backing down!

Clint Eastwood is still STANDING just like "The Good, Bad & Ugly!" He was 
not the best dressed western HERO. He was ready to fight the fight and WIN!
He was dressed for battle. 
And, Clint still is OUR Hero. He still will NOT back down!
Clint still is:
•  A NON-Conformist.  I personally love this guy and happy HE is not "Business As Usual!" 
•  A man that goes to the sound of his own drum!
•  A man that does not conform to what the movie industry says is acceptable.
•  A man who stands for what is right as an American.

The Movie Industry is very fickle! If you don't go by their rules, YOU are blackballed.
Clint made his own way, and PREVAILED... AND... he did NOT conform. 
Each movie Clint, was strength with a message. Clint as director and producer, made
movies with a message, not just for the box office cash Clint stood the line!  
My respect for Clint Eastwood, if there ever was a man for our generation that stood for 
good, it is Clint Eastwood. Clint is the John Wayne of TODAY!

This PhotoArt of The Good, The Bad and the Ugly was done in a 3 parts.  First, Pen and Ink.
Next was water-colored, then went through airbrushing to give the smooth & slick look you see.

And done with Prayer.  Thank YOU,  Katie West