Deathloop (PS5) Beat 'Em Up Value Guaranteed from eBay’s biggest seller!

Title: Deathloop Format: PS5 / Blu-Ray No. of Players: 1-2 Publisher: Bethesda UK Release Date: 21 May 2021 Camera: First-person Developer: Arkane

Deathloop is the latest offering from Arkane, the studio behind Dishonored and Prey. As such, you'd be right to expect it to be a cerebral take on first-person action. You might not be expecting it to be quite such an intriguing blend of influences and gameplay elements, though. You wake up on the shore of Blackreef, a party island, with no idea how you got there. Messages in the sky drop some hints about what you need to do, though. It becomes apparent that the island is trapped in a day-long time loop, and you need to assassinate eight 'visionaries' to break the loop. Maybe you were the head of the island's security? Probably you have some pretty great reasons for wanting them dead. Meanwhile, a rival assassin is out there, making trouble for you... With each loop you need to acquire intelligence, supernatural abilities and skills so that you can ultimately maneuver everything in place to murder all three visionaries in a single day. The world is dense and knotty, with lots to discover and plenty of intrigue lurking just below the surface. You might see elements of Hitman or Dark Souls in the intricate clockwork of this world. You might spot hints of Majora's Mask, The Outer Wilds or Returnal in the time loop mechanism. Really, though, Deathloop is very much its own strange beast.

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