1794 1ed Menno Simons Mennonite Fundamentals America Anabaptist Pennsylvania


Menno Simons was an important and influential Anabaptist priest who is best known for establishing the Mennonite denomination. Simons departed from the Catholic Church and began writing works which rejected the teachings and practices of Catholicism, none more so than his book ‘Foundation of Christian Doctrine’. In it, Simons covers his disagreements with infant baptism, asceticism, and excommunication – all practiced within the Roman Catholic tradition.


This 18th-century first American edition of the works of Menno Simons was published in Pennsylvania, at the heart of the Quaker and Mennonite country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.


Item number: #17346

Price: $950




Ein fundament und klare anweisung von der seligmachenden lehre unsers Herrn Jesu Christi : Aus Gottes wort kurz begriffen


[Lancaster], Pennsylvanien : Gedruckt [von J. Albrecht & Co.] im jahr Christi, 1794. First American edition


·        Collation: Complete with all pages

o   [12], 675, [5]

·        Language: German

·        Binding: Leather; tight and secure

·        Size: ~8.25in X 5.25in (21cm x 13.5cm)


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