
Footshooter - Southside Hymns

Vinyl LP


Label:Astral Black
Pressung:EU - Original
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Following critically acclaimed releases with Dance Regular and Rhythm Section (releasing under Saul with Jack Stephenson-Oliver), London-based producer/DJ Footshooter lands on Astral Black with his full-length debut, the 'Southside Hymns' LP. 'Southside Hymns' is a decadent tribute to the community, club nights and culture of London that Barney Whittaker (Footshooter) is intrinsically a part of. This ethos is embodied in the skippy, broken-beat of the MA.MOYO featuring 'Passing Clouds' (a tribute to the community-ran venue of the same name), whilst the piercing synth stabs and horn laden grooves of 'Juno Café' is a nod to the South East London club space it's named after. Following the Albertina-featuring single 'Twilight', the EP transitions from a dusk drive through the city - taking in the sights and sounds of Whittaker's favourite foliage-flaunting haunts, to parking the listener firmly on the dance floor with the trunk rattling bass of 'Untether' and the Natty Wylah featuring 'Bloom'. Through enlisting a guest cast including the likes of vocalists MA.MOYO, Natty Wylah & Albertina, guest instrumentalists and long-term collaborators Wilf Petherbridge, Isobel Risk, Ebyan Rezguli & James Mollison, as well as artwork by Illustrator & NTS resident Anu Ambasna - Footshooter has ensured that 'Southside Hymns' at once embodies the contemporary London music community that it is also a dedication to.


A1.Hymn 1 (Still Blue)Wilf Pether...
A2.Passing CloudsMa Moyo & I...
A3.Juno CafeJames Molli...
A4.Hymn 2 (Dancers)Ebyan Rezgu...
B2.BloomNatty Wylah
B4.Blood MoonMa Moyo
B5.Hymn 3 (We Move)

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